Pasaran forex ialah pasaran kewangan global untuk menukar mata wang asing dan pasaran yang paling banyak didagangkan di dunia dengan jumlah dagangan harian sebanyak $6.6 trilion. Peserta dalam pasaran forex termasuk bank, syarikat perdagangan, bank pusat, syarikat pengurusan pelaburan, dana lindung nilai, broker forex runcit dan pelabur.
Teruskan membaca untuk mengetahui semua perkara tentang pasaran forex dan cara dagangan forex berfungsi.
Waktu dagangan forex
Pasaran forex ialah pasaran 24 jam yang dibuka lima hari seminggu dari Isnin hingga Jumaat. Pasaran forex dikendalikan oleh rangkaian bank global yang berada di empat pusat perdagangan forex utama dalam zon waktu berbeza: London, New York, Sydney dan Tokyo.
Dagangan Forex bermula dengan pembukaan pasaran di Australia, diikuti oleh Asia, dan kemudiannya di Eropah, disusuli dengan pasaran AS sehingga pasaran ditutup pada hujung minggu.
Semasa musim panas, dagangan bermula pada hari Ahad jam 9.00 malam GMT dan berakhir pada 9.00 malam GMT hari Jumaat. Pada musim sejuk, dagangan bermula pada hari Ahad jam 10.00 malam dan berakhir pada 10.00 malam hari Jumaat. Ini bermakna mata wang didagangkan pada setiap masa, siang atau malam. Tidak seperti pasaran lain, sentiasa ada pembeli dan penjual dalam pasaran forex.
Forex didagangkan dalam pasangan mata wang
Forex is always traded in currency pairs as forex trading involves simultaneously buying one currency and selling another. There are lots of currencies you can trade, but new forex traders are most likely to start trading with the major currencies, also known as majors. The US dollar (USD) is involved in most forex trading.
The euro (EUR) is the second most popular currency. Other majors include the Japanese yen (JPY), the British pound (GBP), the Australian dollar (AUD), the Canadian dollar (CAD), the Swiss franc (CHF) and the New Zealand dollar (NZD). The most heavily traded currencies are the majors and represent some of the world’s largest economies.
Pasangan mata wang Major di bawah membentuk kira-kira 75% daripada dagangan dalam pasaran forex:

Membeli dan menjual pasangan mata wang
Currencies are traded in pairs through a forex broker or CFD provider. Currencies are quoted relative to another currency, for example, the euro and the US dollar (EUR/USD). Trading in the forex market involves buying or selling in currency pairs. An exchange rate represents the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another currency, and it fluctuates based on which currency is stronger at the time.
There are three categories of currency pairs which are the majors, crosses and exotics. The majors alwaysinclude the US dollar, and these pairs are the most liquid in the world. Liquidity describes the level of activity in the financial market and it is based on the number of active traders buying and selling a specific currency pair and the volume being traded. For instance, more people trade the EUR/USD currency pair and at higher volumes than the AUD/USD currency pair. This indicates that EUR/USD is more liquid than AUD/USD.
Cross-currency pairs do not include the US dollar, and those that involve any of the major currencies are also known as minors. The most actively traded cross-currency pairs are derived from the three major non-USD currencies: EUR, JPY, and GBP.
Exotic currency pairs include one major currency and one currency from an emerging market (EM). As these pairs aren’t as heavily traded as the majors or crosses, the transaction costs associated with trading these pairs are usually higher.

Pasaran antara bank
Kebanyakan dagangan forex berlaku pada pasaran antara bank Ini ialah rangkaian global yang institusi kewangan memperdagangkan mata wang dan derivatif mata wang lain secara langsung antara mereka. Pasaran forex tidak mempunyai lokasi fizikal atau bursa pusat seperti pasaran kewangan lain seperti Bursa Saham New York (NYSE) atau Bursa Saham London (LSE). Malah, pasaran forex tersebar di seluruh dunia tanpa lokasi pusat, jadi perdagangan boleh dilakukan di mana-mana sahaja asalkan anda mempunyai sambungan Internet.
Perdagangan forex adalah berdasarkan spekulasi
Kebanyakan perdagangan mata wang adalah berdasarkan spekulasiyang bermaksud pedagang membeli dan menjual berdasarkan pergerakan harga jangka pendek pasangan mata wang. Dalam pasaran forex, pedagang runcit membuat spekulasi apabila mereka cuba menghasilkan keuntungan apabila satu mata wang meningkat atau menyusut nilai berbanding mata wang lain.
What influences the forex market?
The price of currencies is set by the supply and demand of sellers and buyers, but there are also other macro forces in this market. Demand for specific currencies may also be influenced by interest rates, central bank policy, the rate of economic growth and the political environment of a country.
As the forex market is open 24 hours a day, five days a week, it gives traders the opportunity to react to news that might not affect the stock market until much later. As already mentioned, currency trading focuses on speculation or hedging, so it’s important for traders to be knowledgeable on the dynamics that could cause sharp spikes in currencies.
Berdagang forex dengan IronFX
Choosing the best forex broker to open a trading account is not as simple as it seems as there are so many brokers available online. If you want to trade forex with a globally recognised broker, why don’t you do some research on IronFX and try out their trading platform by opening a demo account. Follow the steps below:
- Open a demo account.
- Do your research on trading.
- Check forex education and read the latest financial news.
- Register and test your trading skills.
PENAFIAN: Maklumat ini tidak dianggap sebagai nasihat pelaburan atau cadangan pelaburan, tetapi sebaliknya merupakan komunikasi pemasaran